Get Ahead Of Your Oral Health at Chandler Dentistry
Preventative Dental Services in Chandler, AZ
At Chandler Dentistry, we are committed to helping our patients maintain healthy, beautiful smiles through preventative care. Preventative dental care is an important aspect of maintaining good oral health, and it is designed to help prevent dental problems from occurring in the first place. From regular cleanings and check-ups to fluoride treatments and sealants, we offer a range of preventative dental services to help our patients keep their teeth and gums healthy. By taking a proactive approach to oral health, we can help our patients avoid costly and time-consuming dental problems in the future.

Prophylaxis From The Pros!
Prophylaxis is the technical term for a professional deep teeth cleaning that leaves you feeling fresh and ready to conquer the world! Getting your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year helps prevent cavities and gum disease, it freshens your breath, helps stop tooth loss, brightens your smile, and can boost your overall health.
Our Teeth Cleaning Process At Chandler Dentistry
The cleaning is started with a physical exam of your mouth by a dental hygienist to check for any signs of gingivitis or other concerns. Your hygienist will then use a small scaler guided by a small mirror to remove any plaque or tartar you may have on your teeth.
Next, your hygienist will brush your teeth with a gritty toothpaste to ensure your teeth are completely free of tartar. After the deep cleaning, the appointment will end with an expert flossing session. The entire process is easy and painless and your teeth will feel squeaky clean.
Why Do I Need To Get My Teeth Cleaned Every Six Months?
Getting your teeth professionally cleaned every six months will ensure plaque does not start building up on your teeth to the point where it turns into tartar. If it does, the risk of developing gum disease increases. All in all, professional cleanings twice a year will prevent problems altogether.
Protect Your Pearly Whites With Dental Sealants
In order to prevent cavities, it is important to maintain a good oral health regimen of brushing at least twice a day and flossing. Sometimes though, this regimen may not be enough to reach every nook and cranny of your teeth and gums. That’s where sealants and protective coatings come in handy.

What Are Dental Sealants?
A sealant is a thin, protective, clear or white coating that is applied to your teeth to protect them from cavity-causing bacteria. Sealants are great for children whose second back molars have come in. Sealants are a great way to avoid the decomposition of their teeth especially since they are still in the process of learning how to properly brush them at a young age. The protective coating keeps bacteria and food particles from getting stuck in the grooves of their teeth.
Our Dental Sealant Process At Chandler Dentistry
The process of coating teeth with sealant is quite simple and painless. First, your dentist will completely dry the tooth and or teeth and apply a gel in order for the sealant to stick to the surfaces of the tooth. Once the gel is rinsed off, the sealant will be applied onto the grooves of the teeth. Finally, your dentist will use a blue light to harden the sealant and seal it to the teeth.
Why Would I Need Dental Sealants?
Dental Sealants and Protective Coatings are a great choice for minors who are still developing and may not have the greatest oral health habits. We often recommend them for children between the ages of 8-14.
Sealants can help fight tooth decay for 5 to 10 years and will be checked regularly during visits. Sealants should not change the daily oral health routine and regular brushing and flossing are still vital. All in all, these protective coatings are another added layer of protection when it comes to cavities and tooth decay.
An Important Dental Test: Gum Disease Screenings
Gum disease screenings are recommended twice a year as a preventative measure. The screening itself is a simple process. Your dentist will inspect your gums for any redness or puffiness. They will also determine whether or not your gums have started to recede. Some screenings will also include taking a dental x-ray to review your bone structure beneath the gums.
What Is Gum Disease?
Gum disease occurs when the teeth surrounding your gums become infected which can lead to numerous serious health issues. Periodontal screening, also known as gum disease screening, are dental tests used to detect early stages of gum disease. Early diagnosis of gum disease can help prevent tender gums, loose teeth, bite changes, gum recession, bone deterioration and bad breath as well as help prevent life threatening conditions.
What Are The Types Of Gum Disease?
There are two stages of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis.
- Gingivitis is the first stage and thankfully quite easy to treat. Gingivitis causes swelling and bleeding of the gum but can be treated with regimen of daily brushing and flossing. The swelling can lead to soreness along the gums that will leave you with an uncomfortable feeling when eating, drinking, and brushing.
- Periodontitis is the second stage of gum disease and if left untreated can cause irreversible damage to your gums and in turn lead to tooth loss and other life threatening situations.
What Do Inflamed Or Sore Gums Mean?
Inflamed or sore gums can mean a number of things, however they are most likely caused by a variation of gum disease. It is important to never self diagnose and to see your dentist as soon as possible if you begin suffering from chronic inflammation or soreness of the gums. It can not only be gum disease but sore or inflamed gums can also indicate a variety of more serious issues.
Oral Cancer Screenings
Oral cancer screening is an essential precautionary exam looking for signs of cancer in your mouth. The goal of this screening is to catch oral cancers early in order to have a greater chance to cure it.
Oral cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the oral cavity, lips, or the upper part of the throat. Excessive tobacco and alcohol use can greatly increase the risk of developing oral cancer. This does not mean that you will get cancer but it is better to be safe than sorry. Oral Cancer Screenings are used to test for various different cancers such as: mouth, gum, and tongue cancer.

What Are The Types Of Oral Cancer?
Mouth Cancer
Mouth cancer refers to cancer that grows in any part of the oral cavity such as the lips, gums, tongue, roof and floor of the mouth and cheeks. Some of the symptoms included are a sore mouth, white or harsh red patches on the inside of your mouth, difficulty swallowing or lumps. Mouth cancers are caused by excessive smoking or alcohol consumptions, HPV, sun exposure to the lips, or very poor oral hygiene.
Gum Cancer
Gum cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lower and upper gums when cells grow out of control and form tumors. Excessively using tobacco products severely increases your chance of getting gum disease. Some symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums and red, white or dark patches on the gum. Gum cancer can sometimes be mistaken for gingivitis so make sure to schedule an appointment with us to do a screening.
Tongue Cancer
A type of variation of mouth cancer is tongue cancer. Tongue cancer typically forms in the front of the tongue and develops in the small, flat cells that cover the very surface of your tongue. Symptoms of tongue cancer are similar to other mouth cancers including red or white patches and a constant sore feeling in the mouth.
Our Oral Cancer Screening Process
The oral cancer screening itself is very easy, painless, and takes about as much time as it would for you to brush your teeth. Your dentist will start by looking at the inside of your mouth for an abnormal white or red patch of cells or mouth sores. Your dentist will also feel for lumps, bumps or other abnormalities in the tissues of your mouth and on your neck. Screenings may also include rinsing your mouth with a blue dye that will dye any abnormalities blue.
A screening light could also be used during the exam as light makes any abnormal tissue appear white whereas healthy tissue will stay dark. If results come back abnormal or inconclusive, you may be asked to come in for a follow-up visit where your dentist may perform a biopsy.
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